7+ Taskbar Tweaker

7+ Taskbar Tweaker
7+ Taskbar Tweaker allows you to configure various aspects of the Windows taskbar.
Most of the configuration options it provides can’t be tweaked using the taskbar properties or the registry.
The tweaker is designed for Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.


exe 7tt_setup.exe (1.78 MB, changelog)
Latest version: v5.15.1
Note: The installer can be used to extract a portable version. Refer to the FAQ below for details.

Beta version
exe 7tt_setup_beta.exe (1.79 MB, changelog)
Latest beta version: v5.15.1.2
More info about beta versions.

Windows 11 Support Status

  • 7+ Taskbar Tweaker doesn’t support the Windows 11 taskbar, and probably never will. See this blog post for more details.
  • Some of the tweaks are available in Windows 11 as Windhawk mods. See here for the list of mods, and vote for missing mods that you’d like to see implemented. Read more about Windhawk here.
  • 7+ Taskbar Tweaker works on Windows 11 with the old taskbar which can be restored with third party tools. See this blog post for more details.

Demo video

Here is a video that demonstrates some of the tweaks:

Source code



Q: Which registry keys does 7+ Taskbar Tweaker modify? I don’t need extra processes in my system.
A: The only registry keys the tweaker modifies are its own settings. There are no registry keys for the options it provides. The tweaker does that by injecting a DLL to explorer, hooking/subclassing/some other methods of the dark side.
As for extra processes, the tweaker is a native program, and is very lightweight. It shouldn’t slow down your system, and uses an extremely small amount of memory. Also, you can hide the tray icon if you want.

In case you want to remove the tweaker’s settings from the registry, look for them here:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\7 Taskbar Tweaker
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run (“7 Taskbar Tweaker” value)

P.S. if you’re a programmer, you might want to take a look at the 7+ Taskbar Tweaking Library.

Q: My antivirus complains about 7+ Taskbar Tweaker.
A: It’s a false positive. I guarantee that the tweaker binaries (and any other files on this site, unless specifically noted) are 100% clean.
Also remember that the tweaker injects into explorer and modifies its memory, which is indeed suspicious.

Q: Can I Group/Combine/Label only some of the items on the taskbar?
A: Yes, use Taskbar Inspector.

Q: May I use 7+ Taskbar Tweaker in a commercial environment?
A: Yes, feel free to use it wherever you want.

Q: Where is the portable version?
A: When installing the tweaker, choose the Portable type of install, as shown on the image below.
The portable version will be extracted to the selected folder.

Selecting the portable installation type

Note: If the tweaker is already installed on your computer, the option won’t be visible. You can launch the setup with the /portable command line switch to force a portable installation.

Q: I want to report a bug/suggest a feature! What is the best way to do it?
A: Post it on the UserEcho page.

Q: I want to translate 7+ Taskbar Tweaker to my language.
A: The archive below contains the files needed to be translated.
Please read readme.txt before proceeding.

zip 7tt_translate.zip (758.63 kB)

If you are brave enough to translate the help file, contact me for the required software and files.

Posted in Releases, Software by Michael (Ramen Software) on September 30th, 2009.

6,611 Responses to “7+ Taskbar Tweaker”

  1. Redde says:

    Thank you very much for this rather handy tool. I’ve been looking for something like this for a long time.

    If you don’t mind me doing a feature request, here’s one: Giving us the option of making it so that if we middle click (or double click, if you prefer that) a window group, it automatically switches to the last active window of that group.

    • There’s such an option for combined items – see “left click on combined item”.

      • Redde says:

        Yeah, I know about that. But with that option, accessing the thumbnail previews is more annoying – you have to either hover over the group and wait for it to appear (which takes longer than simply clicking on it), or switch to the last active window and then click again (which takes longer too, and is annoying because you might not want to switch to the last window). I feel that giving us the option to access the thumbnail previews with a single click, and the last active window with a double click (or with a single middle click) would be more efficient, as that way it would be possible for the user to access the previews right away, while still being able to skip it and switch to the last window is he wishes so.

  2. Happy Gold says:

    I would really enjoy if when we drag something to task bar it minimizes all windows after a second so we can put it on the desktop. Dragging to the corner is such a nuisance in windows 7.

  3. Karthic Vijay says:

    I dont knw if this is a bug but just to let u knw.
    This feature
    ‘Combine grouped items’
    doesnt seem to work when
    ‘Combine when taskbar is full’
    is selected in default start menu properties and
    ‘Group by application id’
    is chosen in 7TT.

    What I expected is a set of combined ‘My Computer’ or ‘Chrome’ icons with appropriate labels displayed.

  4. Iron Slippers says:

    Bug report.

    Right click standard window menu does not work properly with some applications (e.g. Zoomplayer, Download Master).

    Menu instantly dissappears after click, so you have to click fast several times to make it stay.

    Also I noticed this bug stays on maximized/restored programs and goes away if I minimize program’s window.

    • Works fine for me with Download Master.
      The “standard window menu” option just makes Windows think you hold Shift while right clicking, nothing fancy, so I guess it’s more of a Windows issue than the tweaker’s.

      • IronSlippers says:

        Я тут пока комментарии почитал, так ты русский что ли? А я по английски корячился, вот блин. XD

        В общем да, глюк какой-то вредный и проявляется не всегда, такое чувство будто модальное окно где-то открыто. Постараюсь отследить момент появления и работает ли при этом стандартный виндовский правый клик.

  5. IronSlippers says:

    Все, нашел причину. Punto Switcher усердствует. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  6. Oxe says:

    The option “Left click on the active thumbnail minimizes the window” works only if it has only one thumbnail (which minimizes the window with or without this option). Can you fix it so that if there are several thumbnails in one window (for example several tabs in IE) it minimaizes window? For now with or without this option it changes to the next tab in IE.
    In old version 1.0 it works correctly.

    • Oxe says:

      Ну и по русски проблему опишу:
      Есть окно IE9 и там несколько вкладок. Как я только не пытался опции включать, так и не удалось заставить окно сворачиваться при нажатии левой кнопкой мыши по значку в панели задач. Как я понял именно опция Сворачивать щелчком левой кнопки мыши должна сворачивать окно независимо от того сколько и чего там есть, а не переключать между вкладками как сейчас.
      Может я чего-то не понимаю, но тогда подскажите как сделать так чтобы окно ИЕ с несколькими вкладками сворачивалось при нажатии на его иконку в панели задач?

      • Опция “Сворачивать окно нажатием на активный эскиз” (“Left click on the active thumbnail minimizes the window”) сворачивает окно, если нажать на активный эскиз. А панели задач окно с вкладками свернуть не получится.

        • Oxe says:

          Странно. На ноуте стоит версия 1.0 (для 32-битного виндоуса) и там такая опция есть: при нажатии на окно в панели задач, не зависимо от кол-ва вкладок, окно сворачивается. Можно ли её добавить и в эту версию?
          Очень удобная функция, сильно удивился когда не увидел в новой версии. Сейчас 7 х64 и версия 1.0 не встаёт на неё 🙁

  7. ruben says:

    why won’t the update feature not work?

    I am on win 7 enterprise admin account. The programm is installed as admin

  8. Just the re-order of sub-items makes my whole month (the rest of it is just gravy), thank you so much!

  9. Stamimail says:

    When I point on a thumbnail preview, I get a preview of the real window in the background.
    Is it possible to have this preview in the background not only by pointing the preview thumbnails but by hovering over the taskbar buttons?

  10. Michael Ateek says:

    I have a dual monitor system and use Display Fusion to manage the task bar on the second monitor. My start button on both the Windows taksbar and theirs stops working every once in awhile, forcing me to reboot, and I noticed a big improvement with 7tt v4.0.8, and a regression with the update to v4.0.9. Do you have an explanation helpful to a non-programmer? I can’t find a download link for the older version. Is it available anywhere? Are you planning to make them available if not? Thanks for a great software.

  11. bru.net says:


    Прости за настырливость,
    но очень хочется в твоем твике настройки формата даты-времени,
    например: “Пт 5 окт”

    К примеру, когда панель задач расположена вертикально (ноутбучный экран), то компактное отображение даты очень удобно
    Пользуюсь Yamicsoftom, но он платный, да и большинство его возможностей для меня избыточно и дублируется стандартными средствами системы.

    А хочется один компактный твик с самыми необходимыми настройками, как у тебя!

    PS Респект и уважение за проделанную работу!

      • bru.net says:

        Мне так стыдно…
        Чуствую себя полным ламером 🙂

        Спасибо за ответ

      • VEG says:

        Этот метод некорректен. Он задаёт формат даты, принятый в текущей стране, на всю систему. То есть кроме таскбара новый формат применится и в других программах, учитывающих региональные настройки.
        Например, на маленьком таскбаре по дефолту выводится дата в сжатом виде. А мне хотелось бы вывести туда же секунды. Но в других программах, считывающих эти настройки, секунды не нужны. А если на маленьком таскбаре захочется второй строкой вывести и дату (там в принципе для двух строк место есть), то в системном формате только времени выводить дату как-то странно 🙂
        Так что поддерживаю кастомизацию времени в таскбаре с поддержкой секунд. А ещё будет супер, если можно будет задавать и ширину (чтобы вся писанина в поле формата влезла 🙂 ).

  12. Mark says:

    I have a question about the taskbar inspector. I love that it allows me to change the application id to group items together but after I close those items and reopen them it doesn’t remember the group. Is there a way to make it remember what group applications belong to?

  13. Maave says:

    This program is sweet. Thanks man.

  14. beko says:

    Dropping > “open with” doesn’t work. It’s trying to run xlicons.exe when I drop xls file on Excel icon.

  15. Croatoan23 says:

    How to fix problem ordinal not found?

  16. Phil says:

    Anything new update?

  17. ckat says:

    Hi RaMMicHaeL,
    Love the App, cannot do without it. However it’s all starting to get a bit crowded with all the new features.
    Any plans to organise things into “tabs” ?

  18. BT says:

    I’ve noticed a problem recently where “dynamic” icons don’t work anymore. For instance, using gmail as a chrome app with the labs feature enabled to show the number of unread messages on the icon, this doesn’t work anymore. I’m using the latest version, 4.0.10. Is there a place I can download older versions to find when this stopped working? Thanks

    • BT says:

      … And I forgot to mention…. as soon as I close 7 Taskbar Tweaker, the icon displays the correct information. Thanks

    • Please check whether it works correctly with all options off.

      • BT says:

        I’ve found the following: with “Show labels: Never” the icon is incorrect. with “Show labels: Always” the icon is correct. If it’s any help… it seems that when I first launch the window, the icon shows the correct number of unread emails, but after that number changes, the icon always displays the same number as when the app was first opened. Thanks for any help and for a great, great tool!

  19. bttrflii says:

    you just saved my sanity.

    i’d been looking for a way to prevent outlook emails from piggybacking off of the outlook application icon or to be able to have different folders next to the program/whatever that i’m working with them on, and your program works perfectly. i am so thrilled that i had to both reply with my heartfelt thanks and to try to help the next person who’s trying to do what i was trying to do.

    phrases that would have helped me get here quite a lot sooner:
    disable w7 taskbar grouping, how to separate folders on taskbar, open new outlook emails at the end of the taskbar

  20. Stefan says:

    I use Ultramon with a “Smart TaskBar” to have 2 taskbars.
    Can your utility be extended to also change the order of applications in the Smart Taskbar?
    Would be awesome.
    Thanks and regards, Stefan

  21. Stamimail says:

    When I’m using a lot of tasks, and there is no space on taskbar, the taskbar creates a scrolling taskbar, and I need to get the other buttons by using scroll.
    I don’t like it.
    What is the best solution for that?

  22. Dan says:

    Thank you for this excellent program. It was exactly what I needed. It was the only program out of a dozen that I tried that correctly removed the “ShoW Desktop” icon from the notification area.

  23. XPFan says:

    Thanks for taking the time to create this, but I have a simple problem, (maybe user error?)…

    I want my taskbar to function just like Windows XP. Thus, I’ve removed all pinning, have “never combine” selected in the taskbar properties menu, and have “use small icons” selected. What I want to have happen next (the holy grail) is to NOT have my applications group together when I open like-applications. (e.g. I already have an excel file open, then a few other applications on the taskbar; when I open another excel file, I don’t want the first one to be moved to the end of the taskbar where the second one opens. Nor do I want the second excel file application to be inserted next to the first one. I simply want applications to be listed along the taskbar in the order they were opened. Period.)

    In order to accomplish this, I installed 7TT (4.0.10), and selected the “Don’t Group” option. (And, just to be sure I’m not simply misinterpreting groupings and combinings, I’ve toggled with turning them on/off in patterns to try to produce the effect I want.) But my problem is that the groupings are still happening! (i.e. My first excel file application is still being moved to the end of my taskbar when I open the second excel file application.) Is this a bug or am I simply misinterpreting what the tool is able to do? (It is interesting to me that the “When not grouping, place new items next to the existing ones” DOES indeed seem to work, but as stated above, that’s not what I want to have happen.)

    Thanks much,

  24. Phil Daniels says:

    Would it be possible to include an option to suppress the display of the infotip when the mouse hovers over an icon.

    Why, because they annoy me – I have a gadget that parks the mouse on the toolbar when I’m typing


  25. gsn says:

    Is there a way to make the app fully portable? Like write the settings to an ini or config file instead of the registry?

  26. SeppWinkler says:

    Please, I don’t know, if I do something wrong, but every time I launch the program, it opens its window. I was setting my settings at firs time launch and I would like, if the program now starts minimized. I tried everything, the setting in shortcut, the setting in the launcher, that launches my support programs (instead of startup), but 7+ always opens its window. Could someone help me?

    Thank you.

    Best regards,


  27. jack roberts says:

    Major problems with the update mechanism the last few versions. The last version would not update correctly so did it manually. The current version crashed the program when updating, did it manually. Now when i open it after installing latest version it tells me new version is available but no version is available.

  28. Jack says:

    Excellent utility! What I would *love* to see is some way to create/save/load (manually or autoload at program start) *custom rules*. For example, I have two apps I always open and do work in, and I like to keep them together. For this I have to open the Taskbar Inspector every time, select the windows, then set their App IDs to something common so that the windows are grouped and combined together. It would be nice if I can create a rule that A.exe and B.exe should always automatically be grouped and combined when run. This would be simply amazing!

  29. Dan says:

    When I open iTunes it opens up in 2 windows because of different application id’s. When I change it and reopen it it resets the application id’s. Can I save the application id’s when I reopen it?

  30. Jacker says:

    is it for Windows 7 and Windows 8 too?

  31. Richard Nordlum says:

    Программа просто замечательна, чего стоит вызов Диспетчера Задач двойным кликом на панели задач, но хотелось бы кое-что ещё увидеть. Есть опция “уменьшить разрыв между элементами” в группе “Закреплённые элементы”. Это просто волшебно, теперь иконки аккуратно и плотно расположены, но после открытия программы эти закрепленные элементы расширяются. Возможно ли сделать так, чтобы разрыв оставался маленьким и после запуска программ? Если это осуществится – утилитка станет идеальной.

  32. Kristi says:

    Soooo many thanks about this gem. I really lost a lot of time for nothing to fix that space between pinned icons in taskbar. And all the rest of the options are just incredible! I LOVE the taskbar click for muting audio!

    Just one thing I am having, probably some sort of bug. After a couple of days I had the tweaker installed I am having the control panel displayed everytime I boot my windows as soon as windows loads it the first time. Is there a way to fix this by hiding it as it is supposed to be, in background running I mean. But it happend to me at the same time with google drive app. I uninstalled and intalled again and it fixed but then after a couple of days reappeared when I statrup…

    p.s: Is there a way to cut furthermore the space between those bloody icons by 10px? thanks

    • Do you mean that the tweaker’s main window shows up on startup?
      Try to go to settings, disable and re-enable the option to run at startup.

      p.s: Is there a way to cut furthermore the space between those bloody icons by 10px? thanks

      Currently no.

  33. Makis says:

    this utility is absolutely magic.. many many thanx!
    it made my day.. finally I can work on the bloody Win7

  34. Felipe says:

    Many thanks for this amazing tool. I couldn’t ask anything more 🙂

    Im used to the “never combine” option and, simply hated the many instances of a program holding hands together like a big fugly button.
    Your “Don’t group” radiobutton is a piece of art.

  35. V@no says:

    Love the software, it’s a must-have and can’t picture myself using windows without it anymore.

    Where do we submit bug reports?
    When “drag within groups using right mouse button” is enabled, dragging a single window will join it to the another window available, in same cases even loosing icon in the process.
    For example, open one explorer window and firefox, using right mouse button drag firefox window onto explorer, it will group them together. This group relationship will be remembered even after closing all windows. Meaning opening again explorer and firefox will automatically group them together.
    The only cure is to restart 7+TT

    this website is absolutely horrible, navigation is total nonsense.!. It’s nearly impossible to find anything, no download section, no support section, nothing, just a blog with bunch of stuff without even telling us what is the latest version before we download it, we have to click on changes log and go away from the page to find it out.

    • When “drag within groups using right mouse button” is enabled, dragging a single window will join it to the another window available

      That’s what the option does. What did you expect?

      Meaning opening again explorer and firefox will automatically group them together.

      The grouping is temporary. Reopening the programs should make them separated again on the taskbar.

      this website is absolutely horrible, navigation is total nonsense.!. It’s nearly impossible to find anything, no download section, no support section, nothing, just a blog with bunch of stuff without even telling us what is the latest version before we download it, we have to click on changes log and go away from the page to find it out.

      Well, it’s not perfect, but that’s what I have atm.
      As for the latest version, you can hover over the download to see it.

      • V@no says:

        I’d expect dragging with right mouse button only affect windows within already existing groups, for example when opened two or more explorer windows. Why would anyone want group firefox window with explorer? Well, I guess I could see a possible need in this feature when “combining” is enabled.
        Perhaps splitting that option into two, one for “within” and another for “between” groups would be doable and create less confusion?
        Ungroupping of manually groupped windows on my computer for some reason is not possible until 7+ restarted…a bug?
        My settings:

        Didn’t notice the tooltip on download link. Thanks.

        • Perhaps splitting that option into two, one for “within” and another for “between” groups would be doable and create less confusion?

          I don’t think there’s a need for that. If you don’t want to reorder between groups, don’t.

          Ungroupping of manually groupped windows on my computer for some reason is not possible until 7+ restarted…a bug?

          How do you try to ungroup them? Right-dragging a taskbar button out of the taskbar should ungroup it.

      • V@no says:

        When taskbar is two rows high and number of visible tray icons is even, there is an empty space available under “more” arrow that shows hidden icons. Would be nice have that empty space used for double/middle click on empty space setting.

        Thank you.

  36. Md says:


    Thank you for this great program. I have been using it on a daily basis.

    I’d like to make a small request. Can you add an option so the opened programs will move to the left on the task bar? Right now, when I open a pinned program with multiple windows, all these windows are grouped in the original thumbnail location.

    Therefore, the pinned programs which are not open in between cause cluster.

    Thank you.

  37. ha14 says:

    vipre is saying is bad program so removed it afer install, perhaps you can contact them and to rectify in their database.

  38. ChasBx says:

    Sweet! No more of those dump popup previews getting in my way!

    Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!!!

  39. V@no says:

    There seems to be a bug in upgrade script. I just upgraded 7+TT from 3.x to 4.0.10 on one of my computers and now combining options are totally ignored, they do nothing.

    However enable/disable grouping option combines/uncombines taskbar items.

    After uninstall with settings removed and install it again everything seems to work fine.

    • I couldn’t reproduce it.
      Can you provide exact reproduction steps?

      • V@no says:

        Well, that’s pretty much it, I had v3.x (unfortunately don’t remember exact version), it was full install, not portable. Then I downloaded and ran v4.0.10, which offered upgrade or uninstall, I chosen upgrade. That’s it.
        I didn’t reboot, or tried other troubleshooting, must be a local glitch then.

        (Windows 7 Ultimate x64)

  40. A. H. Browne says:

    Thank you for this. I was getting annoyed with the way Word 2012 was displaying documents in the thumbnails. Made it hard to switch between them. Computer restarted and it completely changed the order I had. I work with multiple documents open at once for the books I write and needed them to be reordered. Within a minute of installing, issue fixed. Great job on it. I appreciate it.

  41. Jacker says:

    Can you add new features for desktop right click classic Windows XP style??

  42. Nalzirwan says:

    i like this sofeware..

  43. Robert G. says:

    Just THX!
    This is one of those “can’t live without” tools, a must have for poeple doing really hard work on modern microsoft systems.. o)
    An awesome tool for an awful taskbar. I hope many people donate, you deserve being a rich man one day.. o)

  44. Dieter says:


  45. Melanie says:

    A lovely tool – thank you

    Suggestion: Add the ability to group by specific application ID only. I never want grouping EXCEPT for Photoshop (which opens every file as its own window and is highly irritating) for example.

  46. n0r0 says:

    Would it be possible to add Sart menu and Aero peek option for us Windows 8 users, so we don’t need to install extra tools?

    Otherwise, 4.0.10 works well in W8, good job!!!

  47. Ben says:

    Why not place the download link at the top of the page? I always seem to have a difficult time finding the tiny download link. In any event, this is one of the most useful pieces of software for Windows, hands-down. Thank you!

  48. VEG says:

    Если вы не против, несколько вопросов:

    1. Напомню об «минималистичном регуляторе громкости», который я предлагал ранее: при наведении на иконку появляется подсказка Speakers: 18% или Speakers: Muted — при скролле можно отображать изменение громкости в этой подсказке, не тратя время на запуск SndVol.exe. Вы говорили, что идея вам понравилась. Не разонравилась ли вам эта затея? 🙂

    2. Качество вашего твикера выше всяких похвал. Очень хорошая интеграция с существующим поведением explorer-а. Не планируете ли вы создать подобные твикеры других частей UI Windows? Может быть в виде коммерческой версии?

    • 1. Я смотрел в это направление, и даже частично сделал индикатор подсказкой – в версиях v4.0, v4.0.1, v4.0.2 есть флаг в реестре, с помощью которого можно его включить.
      Но он работал не идеально – мерцал при обновлении теста, и иногда текст обновлялся перед тем как новое значение громкости доходило до владельца иконки.
      Что-бы исправить эти проблемы, нужно долго возиться. Я забил на это дело, решив что оно того не стоит.

      Если интересно, вот версия 4.0:
      Флаг в реестре:
      HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\7 Taskbar Tweaker\OptionsEx

      Но я сейчас подумал о другом – можно запускать SndVol.exe с повышенным приоритетом. Не знаю, насколько это ускорит запуск, но думаю, должно помочь.

      2. Нет, не планирую. Каких частей, например?

      • VEG says:

        1. Попробовал эту опцию в старой версии — работает без задержек. Мерцание если и есть, то только изредка. Недостатки перевешивают преимущества 😉

        2. Ну фишечки для пуска, для Aero Snap и т.д. Я уже как-то писал вам примеры:

        Идея для Aero Snap. По умолчанию она умеет либо развернуть окно на весь экран, либо на одну из половинок. На больших разрешениях очень удобно. Но не хватает возможности быстро развернуть окно в «четвертинку» экрана. Жест простой и очевидный: нужно перетянуть окно в правый верхний угол, чтобы оно заняло правую верхнюю четвертинку.
        Было бы очень удобно. Многие ищут подобную функцию: https://www.google.com/search?q=aero+snap+quarter . Из существующих решений все работают по принципу «отключить Aero Snap и запустить свой механизм», но к сожалению все опробованные варианты не выдерживают и 5 минут теста — неприятно глючат.

        Идея для диалога запуска Win+R. По умолчанию он не умеет запускать программы с админскими правами комбинацией Ctrl+Shift+Enter (которая работает в обычном пуске, но там всё-таки чуть не то).

        • 1. Вернул опцию в версии v4.1. Если так больше нравится, то пожалуйста.
          А еще SndVol.exe теперь запускается с повышеным приоритетом.

  49. Enkidu says:

    I just want to say thank you for your brilliant program which makes life easier for the rest of us and the effort you put into it. I just wish stupid Microsoft was more like you, trying to make software better and more usable instead of just fracking it up in the eternal pursuit of more profit.

  50. Seb says:

    Love this fix. thanks so much.

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